Friday, December 5, 2014



In my lit class we're learning about the Holocaust and everything that led up to it. We started discussing a lot about it and we finally got books. We also got lit groups. My group was fortunate enough to get the book called Knight. My book is about this guy and his whole family getting sent to concentration camps. Right now we're at the part where they line them all up, spit on them, and tell them they're going to get burned like animals that they are. I think this is intense because why would you telling a person that? There's kids there. In my opinion its really messed up but its hard for me not to keep going since I have to wait for my lit group and the book is so short. Its really amazing but horryifing because there's always that part where you wonder what's going to happen to them? I really like this book and im looking forward to keep reading it.

1 comment:

  1. Katerin - the book is Night, not Knight. Remember that for future posts. Also, this should have been a 2 paragraph blog. You need make sure you follow the direction on the guide I gave you or ask when you are confused. Thanks!
